Vishnu Avatars in the Four Ages
NB: This article can be found after the following introductory passages.
Before you read this article, please note that, from 1996, I (Pari, the author of this article) had begun to see numerous visions. I was trying to understand what was happening to me. As I was trying to understand this, I began writing all the articles which can be found in this website. Each article is a continuation of the earlier one. So what I had explained in earlier articles were not explained in subsequent articles. This had also allowed me to keep developing what I have to explain. After I had written numerous articles, people were asking me as to which articles they had to read in order to understand something or the other. Thus, in 2015, I began to write books. All the knowledge which a person needs, so as to understand the contents of a book, are given in the book. Thus, a person could understand the contents of a book without having to revert to other articles or books. However, a better understanding could be had through reading the other books. I had also begun writing my first book “Holographic Universe : An Introduction” because I began to have a good understanding on the structure of the Holographic Universe through experiences, guidance from God, research, etc. It should be remembered that my articles were written while I was trying to understand what was happening to me. So, the emphasis in the articles may have been on my own roles (due to the afterlife of my past births). In my books, I concentrate on just explaining knowledge and not really on giving an explanation on my own role. It should be noted that since there are so many articles, I find it very difficult to update the articles. So there may be information in them which has not been updated. I try my best to keep my eBooks updated. Anyway, to have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my earlier articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at my List of Articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding. It should be noted that all my articles were written based on time being cyclic. Click here to understand the basics of the Cycle of Time.
Vishnu Avatars in the Four Ages
posted on 10-8-2013Written by Brahma Kumari Pari, LL.B (Hons)(Lon), LL.M, Currently doing her Doctorate in Legal History.
NB: there is a brief explanation on the cycle, at the end of this article, for those who are not familiar with the Cycle of Time. For convenience, I am referring to those who walked out of the divine world, at the end of the Silver Age, as the Anunnaki since they have been referred to as the Anunnaki in the Sumerian myths. The Sumerian mythological names/roles like Enlil, Enki, Ningishzidda, Marduk, Anunna etc were only some of the roles which they were using.These people/souls had used many roles during the Mid-Confluence (Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages). Their actual names were considered as being insignificant. I have begun an explanation on this at: Egyptian Ren & Mythical Names – Part 1 (Name of the Soul) and at Egyptian Ren & Mythical Names : Part 2 – Ancient Naming System.
In "Links to Other sites & Introduction", I have begun an introduction as to which souls were playing the roles of the Anunnaki, Anunna rulers, Enlil, Marduk, Aryans, Anaryans, mapmakers etc.
(the following article includes a discussion on the Golden Aged phase of the Mid-Confluence which was before the Copper Aged Great Flood; Matsya (fish) avatar, Kurma (tortoise/turtle) avatar, Varaha (boar) avatar and Narasimha(Man-Lion) avatar at the end of Satyug phase in the Mid-Confluence; Vishnusaved the sacred knowledge through the Matsya avatar; demons and gods churned the ocean; Tara and Nimrod; apsara; sphinx; Vamana avatar during the confluence between the Kritayug and Tretayug phases of the Mid-Confluence; Parasuram; Rama; Krishna; advanced technology stopped; extermination of Yadavas; Balarama and Buddha compared; in yoga under the tree; Buddha teaches his mother in heaven; Buddha protected by Mucalinda/Naga; Nagas welcomed Sesha; some Naga warriors had run to Lanka when Parasuram was exterminating the warriors; most of the Nagas were sent to Lanka so that they can be converted into Buddhists; ascension/resurrection of Krishna; confusion in recorded history; Dwarka; Mid-Confluence Aged gods left their bodies and became the Nakshatras/Constellations which travelled in the sky as the earth’s precession takes place until they reach the end of the cycle;Sarvani Manu began the 8th Manvantara from December 2012; 7 year Tribulation period and the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth after that; Christ and Krishna; Kalki; 28th Charturyugas)
The spiritual and corporeal state of everything descends from the Golden Aged state to the Iron Aged state. Thus, even the Mid-Confluence was divided up into the 4 ages of Golden Age (or Satyug/Kritayug), Silver Age (or Tretayuga), Copper Age (Dwapuryug) and Iron Age (Kaliyug).
The Golden Aged phase, of the Mid-Confluence, was before the Copper Aged Great Flood. The rule of the 8 Anunnaki, in the 5 city-states, before the flood (as explained in The Sumerian King List and the Rule by god Indra on Rotation) was in the Golden Aged phase of the Mid-Confluence. During the end of this Golden Aged phase, the Anunnaki were preparing for the Copper Aged Great Flood. Thus, they were portrayed as having taken Vishnu avatars (incarnations) so as to make sure that everything is alright on earth. So in the Hindu scriptures, Matsya (fish) avatar, Kurma (tortoise/turtle) avatar,Varaha (boar) avatar and Narasimha (Man-Lion) avatar were portrayed as having been taken in Satyug. In the Hindu scriptures, Vishnu was portrayed as having taken many avatars. But I am only going to briefly discuss 11 of those avatars here. There is a Confluence Aged aspect to all the Vishnu avatars. However, I am not discussing and/or focusing on the Confluence Aged aspects, in this article. I am only discussing the Mid-Confluence Aged aspects, in this article.
The first significant Vishnu avatar was the Matsya (fish) avatar. In the scriptures, this Matsya avatar was portrayed as having been taken during the end of Satyug because this role was used by the Anunnaki during the end of the Golden Aged phase of the Mid-Confluence. This Matsya avatar was used at the beginning of the Copper Aged Great Flood. In the myths, Vishnu was portrayed as having saved the sacred knowledge through the Matsya avatar because:
1. in the Middle East, the anaryans had tried to take over world rule by taking control of the computerised system. This computerised system also had all the knowledge that had been handed down, to the people of the Mid-Confluence, by the people at the end of the previous cycle. However, the Anunnaki took back control of the computerised system. Then the human/mortal race was created by the Anunnaki.
2. the Anunnaki had continued to use the knowledge, that had been handed down to them, and the Confluence Aged knowledge (which they understood through their memories). They had continued to use these, even though many people were influenced by the vices and so were discouraged from using the knowledge further for the purposes of re-creating the divine world. The vices were also portrayed as demons, in the myths.
3. the Anunnaki had used the knowledge for the immortal roles (when their attempts to use the knowledge to re-create the Golden Aged perfect world, for themselves, was not successful; and the world was only pulled into the underworld). The demigods/mortals were used for these immortal roles too, when the new mortal civilisations were begun (after the Copper Aged Great Flood).
4. the Anunnaki had retrieved more Confluence Aged knowledge (through memories, etc) during this time. It was Enki who had a lot of memories emerging because of his immortal role. Enki’s immortal role was for the underworld. Enlil decided to use the memories for the re-creation of the divine world (which will get created at the end of the cycle). Through this, Enlil took over authority from Enki. Enki had flowed along with this because he preferred to play the role of Vishnu instead of the role for the Underworld. So it was as if the knowledge was retrieved by Vishnu from the demon of the underworld.
5. before the flood, Enlil had suggested that they should bury the records (inZimbir/Sippar) so that the people, in the future, will know of what had happened on earth in the Mid-Confluence. They wanted the people to know that what had happened at the end of the previous cycle, and at the end of the Silver Age, had happened again during the Copper Aged Great Flood. So Enlil and Enki had got the records buried deep within the earth in Zimbir (Sippar). Later, these records were retrieved for the future people. The Anunnaki were seen as the Matsya avatar, when they were retrieving the valuable records which became knowledge for future generations. These records were in materials that were used in their computerised machines. They no longer exist, now, because the advanced technology was not handed down to the people (after the destruction of the spaceports). The Vedas, other ancient texts and myths were created based on what was recorded in the original records. So what was handed down, to the people of the present times, was not the original records. The knowledge was also handed down, so that the mapmakers can use it at the end (as I am doing now).
During the Mid-Confluence, it was as if the Anunnaki/Vishnu had done everything that needed to be done (through the Matsya avatar) so that the human/mortal race was given the Vedas. In the myths, Vishnu was also portrayed as having saved humanity through the Matsya avatar. It was Enki who had used the Matsya avatar, so as to make sure that the mortals/humans continued to exist after the flood. In the Hindu myth, Vishnu (in the form of Matsya avatar) helped Vaivasvata Manu, of the seventh manvantara, to survive the flood. This story is similar to how Noah was saved to survive the flood.
The next significant Vishnu avatar was that of the Kurma (tortoise/turtle). The Kurma avatar was portrayed as having been taken during the end of Satyug because it was the next role that was used during the end of the Golden Aged phase in the Mid-Confluence. This Kurma avatar was to help the gods (deity souls) to regain immortality, at the end of the cycle, so that the souls can enjoy the immortal state again (during the next Golden Age of the 5000 year cycle).
The Anunnaki had used various kinds of cycles for their various cycles of time. The Mayan 5000 year cycle is based on the actual 5000 year cycle, which the world goes through (as has been explained in the knowledge of the Brahma Kumaris). This is the cycle which I am referring to, in my articles. The Mid-Confluence, which I am referring to in my articles, exists in the middle of this 5000 year cycle.
In the Hindu myth, the gods (Devas) were portrayed as suddenly losing their immortal state because the deity souls lost the immortal state at the end of the divine world (i.e. at the end of the Silver Age/Tetrayuga of the 5000 year Cycle of Time). Then, the vices had begun influencing them. The gods/people had kept trying to remain virtuous, as they were in the Silver Age/Tetrayuga of the 5000 year Cycle of Time. However, they kept losing their virtuous stage. Thus, it was as if they lost their immortal state and the demons (souls under the influence of the vices) had taken over from the gods (divine virtuous souls). The demons taking over from the gods also represented that it was the Enkites who were playing a leading role, during the Mid-Confluence.
In the myth, the gods wanted to re-gain their immortal state. Thus, they went to Vishnu for help. Vishnu told them to Churn the Ocean with the help of the demons. The ‘demons’ represented those involved with the immortal roles, in the line of Enki. The gods/Enlilites needed the help of the demons/Enkites because the Enkites have an important role during the Mid-Confluence and at the end. During the Mid-Confluence, it was Enki and the Enkites who were remembering a lot about the immortal roles which will be used to regain their world, at the end. The gods/Enlilites and the demons/Enkites were contemplating on all these memories. So the gods were churning, with the help of the asuras/demons.
In the Mid-Confluence, during the churning process, the deity souls (in the line of Enlil and Enki) were aware that what they were doing, during the Mid-Confluence, would get connected to the end. They knew that it would get connected to the time, at the end, when the deity souls will be making spiritual effort to re-create the divine Golden Aged world. When the Golden Aged world gets created, the deity souls will be able to enjoy immortality again (during the first half of the 5000 year cycle of time). Thus, the gods/Enlilites and demons/Enkites were also churning/contemplating on what to do (so that the deity souls will regain immortality, at the end of the cycle).
In the Hindu myth, Vishnu was portrayed as taking the Kurma avatar so as to give support for the churning of the gods and demons. The support turned the churning into a success. This portrayed how the Anunnaki, who were playing the role of Vishnu, were supporting what the gods/Enlilites and demons/Enkites were churning on (during the Mid-Confluence) for the immortal roles and for immortality. Since the Anunnaki/Vishnu supported the churning, actions were taken based on the churning. So they began to see the benefits of the churning. One of these benefits was the role of Tara (the wife of Vali). The role of Tara was for helping to make sure that the immortal king (Nimrod) can play his role (even though Vali and Sugriva were not involved with practices which would turn those births into immortal births). The “monkeys” are only supposed to be influenced by memories, at the end, so that the role of Nimrod can be used.
During the churning, which was taking place during the Mid-Confluence, the Enlilites/gods and Enkites/demons knew that they were involved with the immortal role of Nimrod. Nimrod is a role that will connect the Mid-Confluence to the end of the cycle. This was understood through the churning that was done, during the Mid-Confluence. Thus, the role of Tara began to be used as a result of the churning that was done, during the Mid-Confluence. So, in the Hindu myth, Tara was portrayed as having emerged from the Ocean during the Churning of the Ocean. Tara was portrayed as an apsara who emerged from the Ocean of Milk because:
1. the role of Tara will be used again, at the end. Even the role of the apsara will be used again, at the end. This was why the Apsaras were portrayed as immortals, in the Hindu myths.
2. Nimrod was an immortal role which will be used to help the deity souls to regain world rule, as the world transforms into their Golden Aged kingdom, at the end of the cycle (even though world transformation does not take place through using the role of Nimrod). In the Golden Age, the deity souls will be able to enjoy immortality again.
3. I understand and explain the role of Tara, during the Confluence Age. These memories influence Enki and others, during the Mid-Confluence. So the role of Tara emerges during the Confluence Aged churning (done by the Confluence Aged me and my past birth) and it is further understood during the Mid-Confluence Aged churning.
Apsaras are the celestial nymphs who are used by Indra. God/Indra uses them, at the end of the cycle. However, the Apsara is also a role that was used in the 7th Manvantara, after the Copper Aged Great Flood, since Indra plays a role in the Manvantaras. I will be discussing this, the Apsaras and Tara in later articles. I have begun a discussion on Vali (Tara’s husband) at:
The Cat and the Monkeys (Vali, Sugriva and Hanuman)
The Mid-Confluence Aged people were portrayed as ‘churning the Ocean of Milk’ because:
1. the Mid-Confluence is connected to the Confluence Age.
2. the Anunnaki were churning/contemplating about the Copper Aged Great Flood as they were observing how everything was getting pulled into the waters of the flood. They were churning/contemplating on how to bring things out of the flood because they needed them for their ‘project’ to re-gain immortality, which will be carried out after the flood. As they were churning/contemplating on the flood, they were taking actions (in the flood waters) so as to bring things out of the flood for their ‘project’. The ‘project’ was for the future Confluence Aged service. The things which came out of the flood were portrayed, in the myth, as the things that came out of the Ocean of Milk. These things were given a Confluence Aged meaning because they were going to be used for the ‘project’ which will get connected to the next Confluence Age. This will be discussed further in later articles.
3. the actions that had been taken, after the Copper Aged Great Flood, were based on the Confluence Aged memories. These memories were churned on, during the Copper Aged Great Flood, and actions were taken based on these Mid-Confluence Aged churning. The actions (for worship that called out to the deities to play their roles again) will get connected to the churning that takes place, during the Confluence Age, at the end of the cycle.
4. what they leave behind, based on the memories and Mid-Confluence Aged churning, will be explained by the Copper Aged mapmakers at the end (as I am explaining now). This explanation is being given, now, through churning/contemplating on the Confluence Aged knowledge, Mid-Confluence Aged memories, what had been left behind by the ancient people and the roles which we are to use (at the end) with God. I have begun a discussion on the Confluence Aged aspects of the Churning of the Ocean myth in some articles; and I will be continuing the discussion in later articles.
The next significant avatar was the Varaha (boar) avatar which was supposed to have taken place, at the end of the last flood, in Satyuga. The earth was supposed to have sunk into the waters, before the creation of the present universe/world. Thus, Vishnu took the form of Varaha (boar) to bring the earth out of the waters. This represented how the Anunnaki and the World Drama had helped to emerge lands, from beneath the waters, so that man can live there. The ancient people had associated the ‘Anunnaki and the World Drama’ to God/Vishnu. Vishnu was supposed to have taken this avatar because:
1. Brahma needed to begin his new creation on earth (after the flood).
2. the deity souls (represented by the gods/devas) needed to be victorious over the vices (represented as Hiranyaksha in this myth). The usage of the vices had brought about the Copper Aged Great Flood and so the earth/lands had gone underwater.
The next significant Vishnu avatar was that of Narasimha (Man-Lion), during Satyug. The Narasimha avatar was also taken during the Satyug phase of the Mid-Confluence. Since the Anunnaki were involved with the role of the lion, from this time, the sphinx was built as an indication that the role of the lion had begun. This lion-role will be continued at the end of the cycle. Thus, the sphinx was built facing the east, where the sun rises. It was an indication that the Mid-Confluence Aged people were waiting to play their role again, at the end (when God is sighted during the Confluence Age). The ancient people used the sun to represent God. The Narasimha avatar was Vishnu’s fourth avatar (among the popular ten avatars of Vishnu).
The Tretayug phase of the Mid-Confluence was from around the end phase of the Cooper Aged Great Flood. For some people, it was the time after the Copper Aged Great Flood because some people came out of the Copper Aged Great Flood before others. There is no clear line as to when the Flood ended because some places came out, of the flood, faster than the others. The ancient people had also not drawn a line as to when the Golden Aged phase ended and when the Silver Aged phase started (during the Mid-Confluence) because there is a confluence between the ages. Vamana avatar, which is the fifth Vishnu incarnation among the popular 10 incarnations of Vishnu, was used around this time (during the confluence between the Kritayug and Tretayug phases of the Mid-Confluence). The Vamana avatar was the avatar taken after the Narasimha avatar. There is one view that Vamana avatar was taken during Tretayug andanother view that Vamana avatar was taken during Satyug because the time when this avatar was taken was during the confluence between the Kritayug and Tretayug phases of the Mid-Confluence. I will be discussing the Narasimha and Vamana avatars, in later articles.
Present day scholars also have differing views as to when Vishnu’s sixth avatar, as Parashurama, took place. Some are of the view that it took place at the end of Satyug. But generally, the view is that it was taken in Tretayug. Parasuram was an avatar that was taken (during the Mid-Confluence) so as to destroy the kings and warriors, who had begun behaving badly, by harming people and sages. Sometimes, Parasuram was also associated to the interval between Tretayug and Dwapuryug because of his immortal role (he was a Chiranjeevi). I will be discussing Parasurama, in later articles.
The seventh significant Vishnu avatar was that of Rama, in the Tretayug phase of the Mid-Confluence. During the Mid-Confluence, the role of Rama was usedto save the deity souls from the vices and the anaryans. I have already begun a discussion on the Confluence Aged aspects of Rama, in some of my articles.
The eighth Vishnu avatar was that of Krishna, in the Dwapuryug phase of the Mid-Confluence. The Mid-Confluence Aged Mahabharath War took place during the end of the Dwarpuryug phase of the Mid-Confluence. After the Mid-Confluence Aged Mahabharath War, the Anunnaki were stopping the usage of the sciences because the world was brought to a bad state through the nuclear usage. The usage of the sciences was also being stopped, so as to make sure that the sciences do not go into the hands of the anaryans and get misused. So the things, that had been made through the usage of the advanced sciences, were slowly being removed. This was why (in the Mahabharatha) Krishna’s discus, Krishna’s chariot etc were portrayed as disappearing etc.
As the sciences were being stopped, the scientists (of the Enlilite and Enkite clans) were evaluating and discussing what had happened during and afterthe Mid-Confluence Aged Mahabharath War. The scientists were of the view that it was the usage of the sciences that had brought the world to a bad state. As a result of the evaluations and discussions, they began accusing each other of misconduct during the war. The scientist, who supported the Enlilites, were of the view that the world was left in the bad state because the Enkites had behaved badly. The scientists, who supported the Enkites, were of the view that the Enlilites were not behaving well. They started fighting amongst themselves, as they were trying to blame each other. Many among them wanted the role of the Yadava/scientist to come to an end, so that there is no further misuse of the sciences. This was portrayed, in the Mahabaharatha, through the Yadavas battling with each other (after the Mahabharath War). So Enki and Enlil decided to bring an end to the role of the scientists/Yadavas. Thus, in the Mahabaratha, the Yadava clan was portrayed as having been exterminated. However, the descendants of the scientists/Yadavas exist, during the present time, because it was only the role of the scientists that was brought to an end. It was brought to an end:
1. because of the bad behaviour of the scientists, and
2. so as to end Adharma/unrighteousness, that was taking place through the usage of the sciences.
In the Hindu myth, Balarama and Krishna belonged to the Yadava/scientist clan too. The myth also portrays how the role of Balarama and Krishna came to an end, after the other Yadavas were killed. In this scene, Krishna represented Enlil. Balarama (another Vishnu avatar) represented Enki.
Enki began to play the role of the Buddha, in Lanka, after the role of the scientists came to an end. Thus, the Hindu myth portrays that while Balarama was sitting under a tree, in meditation, a huge white serpent left the body of Balarama and went into the ocean. The white serpent represented Sesha, the king of the Nagas. In other articles, I have begun a discussion on how my past birth (Enki) had played the role of the Reptilian, during the Mid-Confluence. Enki had also played the role of Sesha, during the Mid-Confluence. This was why in some myths, Balarama was portrayed as an avatar of Sesha; though in other myths, Balarama was portrayed as a Vishnu avatar. The white snake leaving the body of Balarama was an indication that he was going to play a role with the Nagas. This was why, in a myth, the Nagas were portrayed as welcoming back Sesha (after the white snake left Balarama and went to heaven).
During the Mid-Confluence, when Parasuram was exterminating the warriors,some of the Naga warriors had run from North India to South India and to Lanka. During the avatar of Krishna, the Anunnaki had taken the decision to bring an end to the Naga role, on earth. Thus, most of the other Nagas were sent to Lanka so that they can be turned into Buddhists. Thus, a lot of the Nagas had gathered in Lanka.
The Naga role was only being ‘exterminated’ during the Mid-Confluence. The Naga role will be used again, at the end. So it was as if the Naga role was being sent to heaven. This was why the Nagas were portrayed as welcoming Sesha (when he left Balarama’s body and went to heaven).
During the Mid-Confluence, though the Naga role was sent to heaven, the people who were the Nagas remained on earth. Most of these Nagas were in Lanka. So Enki stopped playing the role of Balarama and went to Lanka to play the role of the Buddha (a Vishnu avatar) so as to transform the Nagas into Buddhists. This is why, in the ancient Sri Lankan texts, it has been portrayed that Lanka was filled with Naga kingdoms during Buddha’s time; and that Buddha was preaching to these Nagas. The ancient Sri Lankan texts are more accurate than the ancient Hindu texts because:
1. ancient India, during the Copper Age, was filled with Aryans and Anaryan who were trying to confuse each other. Thus, the Hindu texts are filled with stuff that can confuse the reader unless the reader was under the guidance of the ones who were writing the ancient Hindu texts.
2. Lanka was the land of the anaryans. Thus, there was no need to fill the ancient Sri Lankan texts with confusion.
However, the Nagas who had run to Lanka, so that they do not get exterminated by Parasuram, were not interested in becoming Buddhists. They wanted to remain in the Deity Religion (presently referred to as Hinduism). Thus, there was a problem, which will be discussed in later articles. All the other Nagas, in Lanka, had happily become Buddhists because they were willing to flow along with what the Anunnaki were doing. They became Buddhists and their descendants waited for the teachings of Gautama Buddha.Gautama Buddha, the founder of the Buddhist religion, was not a Vishnu avatar. It was the Anunnaki, and other deity souls, who were using the Vishnu avatar. The 9th Vishnu avatar was that of Buddha (Adi Buddha) which was taken to influence the anaryans to become Buddhists. This Buddha avatar was taken in the Kaliyug phase, of the Mid-Confluence. After Krishna was no more, India and Lanka were turned into a God-less place through the role of the Adi Buddha. God (the Supreme Soul) was not given a role in Buddhism because the vices were influencing people to play “God” on earth. The Anunnaki did not want the anaryans to play ‘God’ on earth.
After enlightenment, Buddha was portrayed as having the protection of the naga/snake (Mucalinda) because the Buddhist path was paved by Sesha/Enkiin Lanka and by Sesha/Ningishzidda in India. Enki and Ningishzidda paved the way so that Gautama Buddha can play his role for the Buddhists.
Mucalinda was the king of the Nagas. In India, Mucalinda represented Ningishzidda and his representatives. The descendants of the representatives continued to play a role, so as to make sure that Gautama Buddha was able to teach his religion (when that has to happen, as per the World Drama).
In the myth, Mucalinda wound himself around the Buddha seven times and then spread his hood over the Buddha (so as to prevent the wind and the rain from blowing at him and soaking him). Mucalinda unwound himself, after the storm subsided and the sky had cleared. Then, he transformed into a young man (while standing to the north of the Buddha). The number 7, in the myths, was an indication that the 7 helpers of God (the Anunnaki) had done something for this. Ningishzidda was also one of the 7 helpers of God, who was acting on behalf of the 7 helpers of God (or Anunnaki). The ‘north’ was an indication that the helper of God, who was involved with this event, was from the north (Bharath). During the Mid-Confluence, the region in the north was ruled by Enlil. This was because Bharath, in the first half cycle, was the kingdom in the north. After Krishna was no more, Ningishzidda played a role in India (on behalf of Enlil). Ningishzidda was the helper of God who was playing his role from the north (Bharath), for this event.
In Lanka, Mucalinda represented Marduk and his representatives. “Mucalinda protecting Buddha” also represented how Marduk and his representatives were protecting and taking care of Enki/Buddha since he had grown old and was spending most of his time in meditation (like how Balarama remained in meditation, after the Yadavas were exterminated).
According to the Buddhist myth, Siddhartha’s mother (Maya) died soon after the birth of Siddhartha. According to a myth, after enlightenment, Buddha had gone to heaven so as to pay respects and to teach his mother. Buddha had a short stay in heaven, before he returned to earth. This is also similar to how Sesha had gone to heaven, after he left Balarama’s body, when Balarama was meditating. In heaven, Sesha was welcomed by the Nagas. However, after the meditation, Enki had used the role of the Buddha (in Lanka) for the Nagas who were to be converted into Buddhists.
Balarama was portrayed as being in meditation under a tree (when Sesha left his body) so as to connect him to the role of the Buddha. Buddha is also well-known for meditating under a tree. In the myths, it was while meditating under a tree that Siddhartha found enlightenment and became a Buddha. These similarities were to connect the role of Balarama to the next role of the Buddha (the Vishnu avatar) so that the mapmakers can explain the connections now (as I am doing).
Sesha was also portrayed as leaving the body of Balarama while Balarama was in yoga, so as to connect Balarama to the next avatar of the Buddha where yoga is the most significant act. It also portrayed that Enki did not die. He had just stopped using the role of Balarama. This was why, in the myth, Krishna had not taken any action to get Balarama cremated (after the huge white snake left from Balarama).
In the myth, Sesha was portrayed as leaving the body through the mouth of Balarama. This was to represent that Enki will be using his mouth, for his next role as the Buddha. It was an indication that he will not be involved with using weapons etc, during the avatar of the Buddha. I will be discussing Buddha, in later articles.
From around 1996/1997, while I was in meditation in the Bangsar BK center, my past birth (Enki) had informed (through visions) that he was the Buddha. I could not understand why he was saying this because Gautama Buddha was not a deity soul whereas I was. I had not looked into the myths, on the Buddha, until recently. Recently, as I was reading the myths about the Buddha, I got to know about Adi Buddha who was a Vishnu avatar. As I was reading the myths, I knew that my past birth was the Buddha who was a Vishnu avatar. I began to understanding why my past birth had informed that he was the Buddha (after he had emerged in 1996). The role of the Buddha (the Vishnu avatar) was the last role which he was using, when he left his corporeal body. So those memories were influencing him, when he was in an emerged state (from 1996).
The virtues are the original qualities of all human souls. Thus, when the world is left in a state with so much of suffering (because of the activities which one was involved in) one can prefer to retreat within. This may also be a reason why Balarama had begun meditating, after the extermination of the scientists. Sometimes, when my past birth (Enki) was in an emerged state (from 1996) he would experience sadness when he recollected what had happened, during his life-time. I could not understand his sadness because it was as if he did not want to face/remember what had happened in the past. However, I knew that it had something to do with the nuclear usage, during the Mid-Confluence. It is only in the recent past, as I (the soul) have become more pure, that I was able to remember the past more clearly. This may be a reason why, from 1996, God would keep telling me that I have to make spiritual efforts to become pure so that God can use me as His instrument.Previously, God would keep telling me that I was not pure enough for Him to use me. However, recently, God has already begun using me. This must mean that my purity has increased. I also noticed that I do not have much to settle nowadays (because of my wrongful actions during my past births).
In the Hindu myth, after the scientists were exterminated, Krishna wanted to do what Balarama was doing, i.e. spend the rest of his time in meditation. So he went in search of Balarama and saw him leaving his body as a huge white snake. Then, Krishna began his meditation. He was shot and killed while he was in meditation. Krishna was portrayed as wanting to do what Balarama was doing because Enlil and Enki were doing things together (during the Mid-Confluence). Thus, they were portrayed as still acting in a similar manner until the end of their roles, in the Mid-Confluence.
In the myths, when Krishna died, he ascended to heaven (resurrected). The death of Enlil was the death of Krishna. So the role of Krishna came to an end, on earth. This was why, in a myth, Krishna was supposed to have disappeared after he ascended to heaven.
In the myth, Krishna was cremated before Balarama. This portrayed that Enlil died before Enki. So Enki was playing the leading role, after Enlil. However, it was Ningishzidda and Marduk who were actually playing significant roles. Ningishzidda was playing a significant role, on behalf of Enlil, in India. Marduk was playing a significant role in Lanka and elsewhere.
When Krishna died (resurrected/ascended into heaven), the anaryans took over rule on earth. During this time, the usage of advanced technology was brought to an end. Recorded history had also got into a confused state because the Aryans and Anaryans were trying to confuse each other. The written records got more confused because the later people were also re-writing history to give importance to themselves and what they were giving importance to.
After Krishna died, his city-state (Dwarka) also sank into the waters. Dwarka represented the Golden Aged world. But Enlil’s Dwarka was not the real Golden Aged world. This was why Dwarka was supposed to have existed during Dwarpuryuga. The first Dwarka, which was built before the Copper Aged Great Flood, represented the Golden Aged world. That sank during the Copper Aged Great Flood. So Dwarka was rebuilt after the flood. It was this rebuilt Dwarka which sank after the death of Krishna. Later, Dwarka was built again by Ningishzidda and others because Dwarka was Krishna’s kingdom.
In the Hindu scriptures, it has been portrayed that when Krishna died (resurrected) Kaliyuga began. When Enlil/Krishna was no more on earth, it was as if the earth was abandoned. It was as if the world had lost its divine and prosperous state. Thus, the world was in the Kaliyug phase of the Mid-Confluence.
The Kaliyug, which began after Krishna, was the Kaliyug phase of the Mid-Confluence. This is the Underworld phase which the past births, and/or immortal roles, will be in until the end (when they emerge to play their role at the end of Kaliyug, now). So the Kaliyug phase, of the Mid-Confluence, gets connected to the Kaliyug at the end of the 5000 year cycle of time. After having left their bodies, the Mid-Confluence Aged gods were supposed to have become the Nakshatras/Constellations in the sky/heaven. Then, these gods/Nakshatras/Constellations travel in the sky (as the earth’s precession takes place) until they reach the end of the cycle. I will be discussing this further, in later articles, as I discuss the 71 Chaturyugas (of each manvantara) and the 27 Hindu Nakshatras/Constellations.
After they left their bodies, the Mid-Confluence Aged gods journey to the end of the cycle, where they will continue playing their roles in the last 7 manvantaras (from the 8th Manvantara to the 14th Manvantara) as the False Prophet, etc. My past birth (Enki) is Sarvani Manu who began the 8th Manvantara from December 2012. The world in the 8th Manvantara is in the process of being established. The last 7 Manvantaras (7th manvantara to the 14th manvantara) is the 7 year Tribulation period which has been mentioned in the Bible. This will be explained further, in later articles.
Christ was portrayed in a similar way to Krishna, in the myths, because it was meant to be a clue that will be explained by the Copper Aged mapmakers (as I am explaining). In the Bible, it has been portrayed that after the 7 year Tribulation period there is the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth. This 1000 year reign of Christ actually represents the 1250 year reign of the Golden Aged rulers, who are all ‘Krishnas’ on earth. These Krishnas will be ruling during the Golden Age of the 5000 year cycle of time. This was a reason why Christ was portrayed in a similar manner to Krishna. The myth was leaving a ‘clue’ that will be used by the Copper Aged Mapmakers (as I am using it now).
The 1000 year reign of Christ also represents the divine world of the first half cycle (of the 5000 year cycle). Thus, what exists after the 1000 year reign of Christ begins from the beginning of Dwapuryuga (of the 5000 year cycle). This is connected to what happens at the end of the cycle because the Mid-Confluence is connected to the end of the cycle. I will be discussing the 1000 year period again when the discus the Nakshatras.
The final Vishnu avatar is that of Kalki, which will be taken at the end of Kaliyug, i.e. at the end of the 5000 year cycle of time. After the role of the Buddha, the Anunnaki had not used any further Vishnu avatars on earth, since they had all left their corporeal bodies. But those past births were supposed to play their roles again, at the end. It was as if the Anunnaki and other deity souls (who were using the Vishnu avatar) left the corporeal bodies so as to reside in the sky/heaven (where they will be journeying to the end of the cycle). At the end of the cycle, Kalki avatar was supposed to be their last Vishnu avatar. However, it is God who uses their memories and/or past births so as to play the role of Kalki. Kalki is said to be the saviour of the world and the annihilator of evil on earth. It is only God who can be the ‘saviour of the world and the annihilator of evil on earth’. After Kalki avatar, Satyug comes into existence. It is God who brings in Satyug (Golden Age). God uses us as instruments, to get things done. We do not become God, when God uses us.
The gods/Nakshatras/Constellations played their roles, on earth, during the first 27 Chaturyugas of the 7th Manvantara (before leaving to reside in the sky/heaven). Thus, Mankind was left in the 28th Chaturyuga of the 7th Manvantara. So we are supposed to be in the Kaliyug of the 28th Manvantara; since the death of Krishna left us in Kaliyug.
According to the Hindu scriptures, the Kalki avatar will end the age of Kali (Kaliyug). Some present day Hindus are of the view that Kalki has already played this role 27 times, in the 7th Manvantara. They are of the view that Kalki played his role at the end of the Kaliyug, in each of the 27 earlier Chaturyugas. They are of the view that Kalki will be playing this role for the 28th time, at the end of this 28th chaturyuga. Actually, there is only one Kaliyug at the end of each 5000 year cycle and this is when Kalki avatar plays his role. Since the Mid-Confluence and every Charturyuga is supposed to have a Kaliyug phase, there is confusion as to which Kaliyug was meant in the scriptures. One will have a better understanding of this, after reading my discussions on the 4 ages of the Mid-Confluence and the Charturyugas (which will be discussed in later articles).
Om Shanti
Posted on 15-12-2017:
The role of the Adi Buddha was played by my past birth who walked out of the Silver Aged world. Lemuria etc were under His control, though He was one of the world rulers during the Mid-Confluence. Even the ruler of Atlantis, who was also one of the world rulers during the Mid-Confluence, had begun to play the role of the Adi Buddha. The role of the Adi Buddha was established to pave the way for Gautama Buddha and for other purposes which have been explained in my articles. After my past birth and the ruler of Atlantis, left their bodies, others were supposed to continue playing the role of the Adi Buddha or Buddha until Gautama Buddha establishes his religion. Many of the Buddhas before Gautama Buddha were given other names.
To have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at: Pari's List of articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding.
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NB: All my articles are based on time moving in a cyclic manner, in the order as follows:
1. the divine world in the first half cycle: involving the Golden Age (Satyug) and then the Silver Age (Tetrayug).
2. the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages: where the world transforms back into the ordinary state (after a vice was entertained). For convenience, I refer to this Confluence as the Mid-Confluence.
3. the ordinary world of the second half cycle: involving the Copper Age (Dwapuryug) and then the Iron Age (Kaliyug).
4. the Confluence Age (at the end, now): through which the world is transformed back into the divine Golden Aged world.